Multimedia Huddersfield

Multimedia Huddersfield Multimedia Huddersfield
Huddersfield Multimedia Huddersfield Multimedia
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We complement our web design with a number of new media services. The impact of a quality image instantly communicates with the viewer and can often hold their attention better than simple text content. We have a strong photographic background and our portfolio reflects the variety and quality of our work. We also offer graphic design and an image retouching service, from a simple cut out to image composition & manipulation with retouching, correction, and enhancement.

Photography — information - portfolio

Graphic Design — information - portfolio

Image Retouching — information - portfolio

Please contact us for more infomation.
Web Design
We offer a number of web based services from basic new builds to more advanced
e-commerce solutions.
web design
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The photographic services we offer are based around a network of experienced freelancers.Photography
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mooneyphoto Library
A client only image download library, including extensive search facilities and download options.portfolio - mooneyphoto Library
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